Have you ever considered whether companies take into account aspects such as social and ecological responsibility to define their activity?
At Organic Cotton Colours we are so committed to the Planet and the people who inhabit it that both parameters are even part of our statutes.
Today is a very happy day for the whole team! We have become part of the BCorp community. And it is that this independent, world-renowned certifier verifies us as a company with value for the Planet.
Además, la puntuación obtenida en la categoría de Medio Ambiente nos destaca como una de entre el 5% de empresas que mayor puntuación han obtenido, por lo que nos han nombrado Best for the world 2022.
Recognition as a member of this community is a guarantee of the work we have been doing for 30 years. Since then, our purpose has been none other than to preserve people's health through our OCCGuarantee® organic cotton, maximizing the positive impact of our activity.
To determine the value of a company, BCORP removes the focus from financial results to put it on social and environmental responsibility. BCorp has examined the impact of our activity in 5 different areas, complementary to each other:
-The governance model of the project.
-The working conditions of the workers as well as their relationship with Management.
-The impact generated in the communities with which we interact, with special attention to the almost 400 farming families that are part of the OCCGuarantee® Social Project in Brazil.
-The quality of the relationship with our customers and suppliers..
-The score of our environmental practices.
After this first evaluation we have obtained 93 points of the 80 necessary to become a BCorporation.
Beyond the score, thanks to the in-depth analysis of the relationship that we maintain with the different interest groups and the environmental practices that we carry out, we are now more capable than ever of defining improvement objectives.
In fact, we have already started to work to implement improvement actions that will allow us to increase our score for the reassessment that will take place in 3 years. If you know us only as suppliers of fabrics, or for our line of homewear basics,... Watch the video that we propose below. In just over 10 minutes we immerse you in our OCCGuarantee® project.